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  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: What access do the various app levels have?
    Answer: In general: You must have the PubSafe™ mobile app to register a user. You must upgrade to join a Team or an Organization. Click Here to get ...
  • Administration, Portal: How is the PubSafe portal free?
    Answer: As a public benefit corporation, we are not driven by making money for shareholders. This enables us to focus on features and functionality for the ...
  • Dispatching: How do I offer Help or Emergency Requests on my website?
    Answer: Every organization gets a custom URL specific to use on their website and social media. This is generated when an organization is created and can ...
  • Dispatching: How is a Wellness Check done?
    Answer: A wellness check is initiated like a help request using a web form. A wellness check will be treated like a help request but with ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: What privacy options are available?
    Answer: There are many privacy options in the PubSafe mobile app and the web portal designed to give users control. The quickest option is to go ...
  • Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: What type of alerts are available?
    Answer: The alerts available to all users can be found under the Administration>Settings menu. These alerts include many of those provided by FEMA iPAWs (earthquakes, tsunamis, ...
  • Mobile App: How do I use the PubSafe mobile app?
    Answer: The mobile app is easy to use but quite robust. If you need assistance creating an org and logging in for the first time - Go ...
  • Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: How can NGOs use the PubSafe platform?
    Answer: The PubSafe portal was purpose-built around volunteer organizations like the Cajun Navy and Team Rubicon. There are specific tools in the app that facilitate SAR, ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: How do I hide my phone number?
    Answer: To hide your phone number when your icon is clicked on the map, click the phone icon on your info window. Your icon is always ...
  • Mobile App: What is a SitRep used for?
    Answer: SitRep is a military term for a situation report. A sitrep is a clear, structured, and concise way to share information in a standardized format. ...

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