Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: What is a Local Gov Emergency Number? Answer:
This is the number you call in your area when there is an emergency. In the United States, it is 911, in most of Europe, ...
Permissions, Privacy & Security: What does the "Visibility" menu options mean? Answer:
The visibility menu controls who can see you on the map. In order to interact with other users who are not part of your team ...
Map: Understanding the Map Answer:
The map is the most important aspect of PubSafe because it allows you to see and share what is going on around you. The map ...
Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: Messaging a Team or Organization Answer:
Members of a team or organization can message all members of the team or organization provided the user sending the message has selected the team ...
Permissions, Privacy & Security: What is Public Benefit Research? Answer:
One goal of PubSafe is to study how people move before and after emergencies and disasters and in response to help requests. By collecting this ...
Permissions, Privacy & Security: What is Departure Lead Time? Answer:
This represents the amount of time you require before you can leave in response for help. This time is generally not less than a day ...
Permissions, Privacy & Security: What is Departure Lead Time? Answer:
This represents the amount of time you require before you can leave in response for help. This time is generally not less than a day ...
Permissions, Privacy & Security: What is Departure Lead Time? Answer:
This represents the amount of time you require before you can leave in response for help. This time is generally not less than a day ...