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  • Mobile App: What is the logging/tracking rate and transmit rate?
    Answer: The tracking or logging rate is how often a location is captured. The transmit rate is how often a location is sent to the server ...
  • Dispatching: Responder Mission Status
    Answer: Only responders can be tasked with a mission and only when in mission-ready status. To receive a mission open the More>Change Role menu and select ...
  • Dispatching: Work Order Queue
    Answer: PubSafe is unique in its ability to coordinate help and emergency requests across multiple NGOs and organizations from many different sources such as mobile apps, ...
  • Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: Dispatch and Messaging Functionality
    Answer: Overview Dispatch and Messaging functionality is limited to registered organizations and their members. Only government organizations can send a message to any PubSafe user.  To be ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Government ID
    Answer: The government ID field is not displayed on the PubSafe app by default. When implemented, users will have the option to make it visible to ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Platform Security
    Answer: Information security is globally important and a topic of regular conversation. PubSafe, powered by Aftermath Data, wants users to be confident that industry-standard or higher, ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Contact Manager & Directory
    Answer: During disasters, information is often fragmented between dispatchers, agencies, or organizations. By utilizing the contact manager and directory, information can be shared within a single ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Organization Membership Status
    Answer: Users can join an organization but must be approved by an organization administrator. A user's status is indicated by the color dot as shown below.  Teams ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Transportation Assistance
    Answer: PubSafe offers users the ability to identify is transportation assistance is needed. The reason assistance is needed is not collected to avoid HIPPA (personal medical ...
  • Administration, Portal: Transportation Assistance
    Answer: PubSafe offers users the ability to identify is transportation assistance is needed. The reason assistance is needed is not collected to avoid HIPPA (personal medical ...

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