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  • Administration, Portal: Transportation Assistance
    Answer: PubSafe offers users the ability to identify is transportation assistance is needed. The reason assistance is needed is not collected to avoid HIPPA (personal medical ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Getting Started - Registering an Org & Inviting Members
    Answer: These are the general steps to get an organization on the PubSafe platform and add members. All portal users must install the free version of the ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Changing Organizations
    Answer: Prerequisites  You must have the PubSafe app You must upgrade to the Pro version of the PubSafe app You must be invited and then approved by the org ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: Inviting Members to an Organization
    Answer: Once an organization application is approved, the originating user is the account owner and admin, and can login using their PubSafe app credentials. Inviting Members to ...
  • Mobile App: Physical Activity Setting
    Answer: Allowing access to the physical activity setting will improve battery life. Physical activity uses the accelerometer to determine motion instead of constantly looking for GPS ...
  • Permissions, Privacy & Security: How do events work?
    Answer: Events are a way to group data based on specific events like a hurricane, flood, tsunami, etc. By selecting an event, a member is letting ...
  • Map: SAR Tracking
    Answer: Overview The tracking functionality is primarily provided to aid in search operations. When a team is searching an area, being able to see the ground covered ...
  • Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: Search Parties
    Answer: PubSafe offers the ability for organizations to work with hundreds of temporary volunteers in a single search party by temporarily associating them with the organization ...
  • Administration, Portal: Damage Assessments
    Answer: Overview of Damage Assessments The Damage Assessment (DA) module is modeled after the industry standard outlined by FEMA. By enabling citizens and NGOs to submit DAs, ...
  • Communication, Alerts, Teams & Organizations: Search Party Volunteers
    Answer: Working with Impromptu Search Parties Organizing a large number of volunteers that show up to participate in a missing person search event can be challenging. You ...

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